
Message of DNC was a bit confusing

I am a bit confused on what the DNC and the Obamas were selling at the convention. Their statement that “hope is making a comeback” was an odd thing to say since “hope” is not a plan. Weren’t the Democrats in charge the last three and a half years? I’m confused. So the last three and a half years were hopeless?

A curious statement since the Democrats were running the country and with Obama being one of Biden’s advisors.

It would seem to me they should be touting all their accomplishments. Since the “powers that be” determined Joe Biden is no longer a viable candidate and therefore no longer a viable president, shouldn’t he be removed from office so we can judge for ourselves just how good a president Kamala Harris would be?

Take the border crisis for instance. According to Byron York’s column in the Aug. 22 Daily Herald, quoting a newly released report from the House of Judiciary Committee: “In three and a half years, the Biden-Harris Administration has released more than 5.4 million illegal aliens into the United States, with an additional at least 1.9 million known ‘gotaways’ escaping into this country.”

How do they plan to stop any of the illegal immigrants from voting in the election? In Illinois they receive a driver’s license (that may have some sort of disclaimer) so it will be hard to decipher whether they are a citizen or not, and, how will the mail in ballots figure into this scenario?

What this “old guard” did to Joe Biden was nothing less than a coup. Kamala should take notice.

Lillian Fortman


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