
America’s awesome economic engine

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children and grandchildren America, the last best hope of people on earth, or we will sentence them to slide ever further into darkness. A darkness characterized by a judicial system focused on prosecuting political opponents while murderers and other criminals are excused and coddled.

A darkness defined by an open southern border replete with human trafficking and illegal drug imports. A darkness where families are squeezed by higher gas and grocery prices, children are given sex changes, free speech is suppressed and our enemies around the world attack us and our allies.

During Donald Trump’s term in office from 2017-2020, the federal judicial system was impartial; criminals were prosecuted and punished; we had control of our southern border and immigration was managed; families could afford gas, groceries and other goods and services as inflation was low and unemployment reached a 50-year low during his third year; policies were enacted to protect children from sex changes and transgenderism; speech was free; there were no wars in Israel or Ukraine; and the world was relatively at peace.

Donald Trump is noticeably different from Ronald Reagan in certain ways, but just like Reagan, Trump believes deeply in this country’s awesome economic engine, law and order, peace through strength and the millions of people that make this country great. Donald Trump has a love for America that no bullet could ever shatter.

Chris Preston

Mount Prospect

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