
Sept. 10 set for Sugar Grove development vote

Sugar Grove Village President Jen Konen has scheduled a special board meeting for Sept. 10, where the main focus will be the annexation and zoning of the proposed The Grove development and the creation of a tax-increment financing district for the site.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at Village Bible Church, 847 Route 47, to accommodate an expected large crowd.

The village board spent about 18 hours discussing the development and the TIF during a three-night meeting that ended at 12:45 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 28.

Crown Community Development has asked to annex its 761-acre development to the village. The development straddles the intersection of I-88 and Route 47, mostly east of Route 47. It would have single-family homes on the south end; multifamily homes, retail uses and a Town Center north of that; and industrial, commercial and office uses on the northern section.

It has asked for $109 million in financial aid from the village through property taxes collected on the site.

Hundreds of people have attended plan commission and village board public hearings, with many speaking out against the proposal.

Konen canceled the regular Sept. 3 board meeting.

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