
Why isn’t more done to save Stables?

Why were the Palatine Stables neglected for so long that it now will cost over $2 million to bring them up to code? And why such a huge difference in the estimated cost of repairs — the Park District claims $2 million and an independent contractor is saying 1/2 million. That’s a huge difference.

Has anybody considered asking the people who want the stables to stay open (which seems to be most everybody) if they’ll pony up (pun intended) some money to help with the expenses? I would gladly pitch in and I think others would, too.

Has anybody explored the possibility of grant money being available?

Lastly, don’t claim that the stables should close because they’re not used by everybody in Palatine. I don’t use the golf courses or the pools, or about 99% of what the park district owns and maintains, but I’m still willing to pay for them because they make Palatine a decent place to live. Stables should stay.

Vera Wisniewski


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