
Our Saviour’s Faith & Film series presents ‘WALL-E’ Aug. 11

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Naperville will wrap up its summer “Faith & Film” series with a showing of Disney/Pixar’s “WALL-E” on Sunday, Aug. 11, at the church’s Celebration Campus, 919 S. Washington St.

The screening, which also will feature an informal, faith-centered discussion of the 2008 film, is free and open to those of all ages. Discussion will begin at 5:30 p.m., with the film starting at approximately 6 p.m.

The s story of an anthropomorphic robot in the early 22nd century “challenges us to think about human connection, the philosophy of evil’s existence and environmental justice,” says Our Saviour’s Associate Pastor Elisabeth Pynn Himmelman, who organized the “Faith & Film” series. In the end, it is WALL-E’s self-sacrifice in the face of directive-obsessed antagonist robot AUTO that ultimately saves humanity.

And at a basic level, Pynn Himmelman says, the film is also “a really fun, futuristic movie that will entertain all ages.”

The screening and discussion will take place in the air-conditioned church gym at 919 S. Washington St. Attendees are welcome to bring lawn chairs, picnic blankets and snacks; additional tables and chairs also will be set up.

For more information on Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Naperville, visit or call (630) 355-2522

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