Stevenson junior works to help kids in rural India
Adlai E. Stevenson High School junior Sriya Talari has a commitment for social work, equality and sustainable living.
Her persistence in equalizing the field of education has inspired her to partner with the Raghunauth Ram Foundation as the intern for 2024. She has led countless fundraisers for the organization to help raise money for a green roof for a rural school in India. The goal is to raise $10,000.
“Just as water nourishes the plant, education nourishes the child,” Talari said.
The foundation was started through the Holistic Workshop, an organization dedicated to physical and mental well-being. Through their wellness retreats, they have raised funds to build a computer laboratory and donate school supplies such as backpacks and books to underserved children at the school in India.
With an aim to expand their education empowerment initiatives, Holistic Workshop formed the Raghunauth Ram Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The foundation has spent the last year raising funds for girls’ education in underdeveloped countries. Currently, they are working on building the new green roof in hopes of harvesting rain water to service the children. The foundation hopes to help the school harvest thousands of liters of clean water each year, prevent erosion of the building’s foundation and promote healthy plant growth.
The Raghunauth Ram Foundation also hopes the green roof will be used to incorporate environmental education into the school’s curriculum to inspire students toward eco-friendly lifestyles.
“Effective management of rainwater proactively fights against climate change,” said Abhay Agarwal, a foundation director.
“Rain water harvesting is a critical step in ensuring that clean water needs are met in rural communities,” added Simran Agarwal, another foundation director.
The foundation also has plans on working with schools in Tanzania and other countries in Africa in the near future.
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