
Kids learn caring, kindness, love at Aurora church camp

Michelle Curiel was the guest preacher at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora on Sunday, June 30. In a sermon titled “Recalling Art & Soul Camp 2024,” the church's children and families director reflected on the church's third annual free camp she led June 24-27. Pastor Tammy Scott assisted at the service.

With projected photos, Curiel reported that more than 40 children, ages 4-12, attended from the church and community. Nearly 25 volunteers assisted she said.

Michelle Curiel, children and families director at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora, leads the children's sermon Courtesy of Al Benson

After a free daily dinner, students learned from one of four community partners who participated. They were Nora Muhlenfeld and Frances Cedro, Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry, Aurora; Karen Nicholas, owner, Yellow Bird Books, Aurora; Katelin Shields, Friends of the Fox River; and Meagan Waycaster, Aurora Pride.

At rotation stations, children participated in music and movement activities, baking, crafts and reading to learn how to care for the community. Daily affirmations included “I can notice what others need,” “I am in charge of my own story,” “I can care for the earth,” and “I am who I say I am!”

Curiel said, “We can’t wait for next year to provide this free camp to engage with our community and spread teachings of kindness, self-acceptance, and love!”

Call (630) 229-0231 or visit for more information.

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