
Batavia to host open house on Main Street reconstruction project

A public information meeting on the improvement plan for Main Street from Randall Road to South Van Nortwick Avenue will be held Wednesday, Aug. 7. The open house will be 5 to 7 p.m. at city hall, 100 N. Island Ave.

The purpose of the meeting will be to present the studies purpose and need, proposed geometrics, findings of environmental studies, anticipated property impacts, and obtain public input.

The project will be seeking a 4(f) and 6(f) determination from the Federal Highway Administration and National Park Service though Illinois Department of Natural Resources regarding potential impacts to Engstrom Family Park located along Main Street within the project limits.

The proposed improvements aim to reconstruct deteriorating pavement along Main Street while bringing the roadway up to current design standards, improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the area by providing new sidewalk connections and dedicated on-street bike lanes.

Capacity improvements are planned to include the extension of the eastbound left turn lane into Batavia High School and the addition of a new westbound right turn lane at the Randall Road intersection.

This is a federally funded project, and this public information meeting is being held in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act requirements and IDOT’s public involvement policy.

All persons interested in this project are invited to attend this open house meeting. The meeting will consist of a handout, strip map of the proposed improvements, and information boards.

The project team will be available to discuss the project and answer questions throughout the meeting.

Written comments will be accepted before, during and after the meeting. Comments received up to two weeks after the meeting will become park of the public meeting record.

All meeting materials will be posted on the project website at following the meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, you are encouraged to view the meeting materials and provide your comments via email or mail.

This meeting will be accessible to individuals with a disability. Anyone needing specific assistance should contact Chris Bong at (630) 454-2752 or, or by mail, Attn Chris Bong, P.E., City of Batavia, 200 N. Raddant Road, Batavia, IL 60510.

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