
New rules for Supreme Court

I propose new rules for the Supreme Court so never again are the American people unfairly burdened with a highly prejudiced supermajority of one political party.

1) The term of a justice shall be limited to 12 years.

2) The court shall consist of four judges from each party with the Chief Justice voting only if there is a tie.

3) Should a justice die or become incapacitated the House majority or minority leader of the party from which the judge was a member shall appoint a new person with the advice and consent of the House.

4) The Chief Justice shall be nominated by the President with the advice and consent of the senate. If one of the seating justices is selected as chief, then the House majority or minority leader of the party from which the Chief Justice is selected shall appoint a qualified person to the vacant position with the advice and consent of the House.

5) A justice shall be terminated if found to have accepted a gift that exceeds $100 dollars or engages in any corruption that influences his or her fair and lawful determination of a case.

6) A mandatory ethics pledge shall be drafted by a select Senate committee with an equal number of members from each party. A justice shall sign the document before he or she can begin serving on the court. Violation of the pledge shall merit immediate dismissal from the court.

The recent ruling of the Supreme Court leaves no doubt concerning the political bias of the supermajority on the highest court in our land. A change in the rules determining the makeup and behavior of justices is sorely needed to assure fair and lawful rulings because their judgments touch every person living in America.

Harry Trumfio

Arlington Heights

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