
Are protesters not aware of reality?

At dawn on the Sabbath of Oct. 7, 2023, cruel, barbaric Hamas terrorists invaded Israel destroying 20 Israeli towns in a bloodbath against Jews unmatched since the Holocaust.

They kidnapped more than 230 people including over 38 children, including an under 1-year-old baby. The Hamas terrorists abused, tortured, and murdered over 1,300 Jewish people. They raped, dismembered, mutilated in unbelievably horrendous ways.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the following about a family of four: The father’s eye was gouged out, the mother’s breast cut off, the daughter’s foot amputated, her brother’s fingers were cut off and then these evil, bestial people executed them and then they sat down to a meal at the table set for this murdered family’s own breakfast. These beyond cruel Hamas terrorists filmed this whole thing so the evidence is there for any who could stomach watching it.

Please help me understand why these pro-Hamas demonstrations are happening at our colleges and universities. Is the truth about these people, who should be arrested and executed not remembered and supported, not being printed enough in our newspapers and magazines, not spoken of on television? Are college students so unaware of the truth that they are buying the lies they are being fed?

What in the name of God are these people thinking or are they thinking at all, but rather being led by unconscionable people, even paid by anti-Semites to protest (some, I have read not even knowing what they were protesting), harassing American Jewish students, condemning Israel for defending against these monsters.

Come on, America, wake up, we are better than this. At least we used to be. God help us all though, sadly, we don’t deserve it.

Patty Bertrand

Carol Stream

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