
Calling all independents

These days, it's hard not to find opinionated people concerning presidential politics everywhere.

One group of people call “Sleepy Joe” a dementia-ridden president with no clue concerning current affairs. The other group calls Trump a dangerous authoritarian pied piper leading his narrow-minded sheep off the cliff.

But in my workplace and social circles, I've noticed another group of folks — the silent majority. They don't rip and roar across the room impatiently trying to get their point across but instead digest political events without anger and rage.

They internally review the best they can with the facts at hand. I call these folks — independents. They shift and sway elections one way or the other consistently. They process information without hyperbole hysteria and use common sense rationale to arrive at good decisions. My hope and my prayer is that these folks arrive at the polls this November in record numbers to further our goal … a more perfect union.

Thayer Davis


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