
Nation faces possible autocracy

To the Trump fanatics, here’s some truth. He’s a one-man crime wave. He must never become president again.

On Jan. 6, 2021, this country was subjected to a violent attempt to overthrow the government. The attack was masterminded by Mr. Trump in order to install himself as the president, even though he’d legitimately lost. He was the head of a conspiracy with supporters across the country, including violent private militia groups prepared to destroy and kill. Five defenders died.

This country has never experienced such political violence before. The man has no respect for our Constitution or laws or morals or for anyone who doesn’t accept his twisted extremist views. He’s promised to call for violence again if he’s denied the privilege to run a second time.

Is this what his supporters want? Or do they simply not believe what this man has done? Or is it that they’re so enamored of his deep-seated racist and anti-immigrant views that they’ll overlook anything he does, even at the cost of our losing our democracy? I think it’s the latter.

America is in big trouble. We’re headed to autocracy, with the loss of our civil rights, including our freedom of expression.

Anthony Buttitta

Des Plaines

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