
Hypocritical complaint

The Daily Herald’s Our View editorial on May 22 criticized Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for flying the American flag upside down, symbolic of “Stop The Steal” following Biden’s election. Where was the Herald’s editorial board when Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg announced she would move to New Zealand if Trump were elected? Or when FBI Agent Peter Strzok conspired with lover FBI lawyer Lisa Page to obtain a FISA warrant to wire tap Trump Campaign Headquarters in 2015 and getting the court order but intentionally omitting unhelpful facts in the application affidavit, prompting FISA Court Chief Judge Rosemary Collyer to harshly rebuke the DOJ and the FBI? Conservatives know where the Editorial Board stands, just count how often Susan Estrich has access to the Opinion page to flaunt her liberal views.

Daniel W. Burke


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