
Media ignoring the real issue in Trump case

Regarding Jim Slusher’s May 16 “Letter To Readers,” name me a political campaign that does not try to put the candidate's best foot forward by exaggerating positive attributes and by hiding potential issues by making issues go away?

David Pecker, at the Enquirer, wasn't trying to help Trump. Part of the business model of the Enquirer is to shake down famous people to suppress their stories. Trump wasn't the first to be grifted and won't be the last. What you should be asking is why is this case (or any of the Trump cases) coming now instead of years ago? In the Alvin Bragg case, what is the crime?

Trump's accountant classified internal business records describing a payment to an attorney as legal fees. There is no evidence that Trump suggested how that payment should be classified. Even if that is a crime, it is a misdemeanor. and the statute of limitations has run. What authority does Alvin Bragg have to bring any issues related to election integrity in a presidential election? I don't think Trump is a saint, neither was JFK or Bill Clinton. No politician is a paragon of virtue.

Political virtue is an oxymoron. According to the Federal Office of Compliance (as reported in a November 2017 CNN article entitled “Congress paid $17 Million in Settlements. Here is Why We Know So Little About the Money”), from

1997 to 2017, there were 268 settlement payments made on behalf of lawmakers and staffers totaling $17 million covering various misdeeds. Don't you think that those payments had an impact on how people viewed the elected officials who benefited by hiding their misconduct and therefore influenced future elections?

Where are the lawsuits for election interference and miscoding payments to influence an election? As usual the media is focusing on the shiny object rather than the real issue by embracing the virtues of a porn star looking to cash in and believing a convicted serial perjurer who illegally taped his client in an effort to make one plus one equal three. I guess editorial integrity is an oxymoron also.

David Clark


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