Editorial called out sneaky Democrats
I'd like to applaud the Daily Herald Editorial Board for finally recognizing what most of us in Illinois have long known — how sleazy and sneaky the Democratic Party is in Illinois.
The Daily Herald's editorial on May 8 rightfully chastised the majority Democrats for ramming through a bill — SB 2412 — that prevents political parties from slating candidates for the general election if no one has won the party's primary election. Therefore, if the minority Republican Party can't get a candidate to run in a primary race, they are out of luck for the general election. Does that sound like a democratic process to you?
Trouble is, this has been the Democratic Party playbook for a number of years now. They wait until the eleventh hour to pass legislation favorable to them and their agenda — usually without public hearings or even floor debates. Case in point is when the Reproductive Health Care act was passed in 2019 making abortion permissible up to birth. The bill was rammed through in the middle of the night on Memorial Day weekend. Ditto for the Repeal of Parental Notification for minor girls seeking an abortion.
The Democrats love to proclaim themselves as the party “for the people.” The problem is, here in Illinois, they don't care about the people. They vote for bills that fit their party platform and don't heed the voices of reason. No wonder so many are leaving Illinois.
Kudos to the Daily Herald for finally calling out the Democratic Party for what it is.
Gerry Bliss
Elk Grove Village