
May is a most joyous month

So these stones shall become a memorial for Israel forever.

— Joshua 4:7 (AMP)

Searching for a particular household item, I opened the small drawer on my dresser, where I keep collectibles. However, I stopped searching when I caught a glimpse of an old item one of my sons gave me when he was in grade school.

It was a coupon for a free car wash he cut out of a coupon book. Only this wasn’t just any coupon, this was a coupon that mentioned he would do the car wash himself. It was a Mother’s Day gift.

This triggered my thoughts to another precious memento he gave me that I still have to this very day.

This handcrafted Mother’s Day gift consisted of toothpicks glued together, with alphabet noodles attached across the top spelling out my name. I was impressed that he had even spelled my name correctly! On the back he glued a small safety pin so I could wear it. Which, by the way, I never did. It’s still in a curio cabinet I have for collectibles.

These two Mother’s Day gifts didn’t cost anything but, to me, are priceless.

My sister recently texted me some old family photos she had from our family album.

“I forgot about that one!” I excitedly exclaimed.

It was a picture of me wearing my Girl Scout uniform as I stood in line to march in our town’s Memorial Day parade.

I remember the line had stopped just short of the new memorial plaque my town had placed in the town square. We stood there for a time of prayer and reflection to honor those who served.

It was joy to see that photo of my younger self, and the memories it held.

May is a joyous month for special occasions: birthdays, proms, graduations, and two of my favorites: Mother’s Day, being a mother of three and grandmother of 11, and Memorial Day, because my father and brother served in the military.

I believe God delights in our memories of special times. That’s why he commanded the Israelites to place stones in remembrance of theirs.

If you don’t have any special times to remember, you can start making some memories today. Ask God to help you. You’re never too young or old to start a new tradition. Maybe I can still cash in on that car wash coupon.

Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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