
Learn about ‘The 8 Glacial Wonders of Kane County’ May 7

On Tuesday, May 7, naturalist David Schoenkneckt will be giving a presentation on glacial activity in Kane County.

The Elgin chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America will host the program, “The 8 Glacial Wonders of Kane County,” at 7 p.m. at the Hanover Township Izaak Walton League Center, 899 Jay St. in Elgin.

Schoenkneckt will discuss Kane County’s topography as a result of significant glacial activity that occurred during the last Ice Age. Some of the topics will include the Kaneville Esker and Glacial Lake Pingree, an immense body of water that existed 14,000 years ago.

He is the naturalist at Elgin’s Hawthorne Hill Nature Center and a Kane County Certified Naturalist. The program is free to the public and will last for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

For information, visit or

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