
GOP criticizes but offers no solutions

State Rep. Martin Mclaughlin’s essay in the April 18 Daily Herald falsely accuses the city of Chicago of trying to solve the immigration crisis. The city is struggling to deal with the human needs of the 30,000 immigrants sent there by Texas as a cynical political ploy. The representative has lots of grievances, but no solutions other than a vague “secure the border.”

Immigration from poorer, more corrupt and violent countries into wealthier countries is a worldwide problem. Since the Republican Party hasn’t had a platform since 2015, their overwhelming approach seems to be the razor wire, police dogs and bayonets of Greg Abbot and Victor Orbán of Hungary or the fantasy of a wall. A comprehensive bipartisan corrective law is required. Since 2007, Republicans have preferred the issue over a solution.

Almost always in these pages, political actors aren’t honest about the effect of their positions on the issue they decry. People would rather, as the representative does, tear down rather than understand and solve. The immigration issue is a perfect example.

Americans focus on the threat of fentanyl and crime entering the country. The currency facilitating this commerce is our demand for drugs and American guns.

The majority of the 250,000 people who crossed the southern border in December were from Mexico. Reuters and the Kino Border Initiative conducted surveys from Mexican shelters and found the overwhelming factor motiving illegal entry was the current violence in Mexico. The cartels, the police and the Mexican citizens who fear both, demand American guns.

The NRA is “enthused about Marty” and gave him an A grade for his election in 2022. The Daily Herald endorsed him. Sadly, our country has become the arms dealer for the world. Our guns create the pain that drive our neighbors to our door.

Ed Plum


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