Friends of the Library Children’s Market Sale June 22
Are you looking for good summer reading? Come to the Friends of the Arlington Heights Memorial Library Children’s Market Sale from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 22.
The Children’s Market Sale is in the library’s underground parking garage, at 500 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights, across the street from the Farmers Market.
The sale features children’s board and picture books, easy readers, novels and nonfiction, gift-quality children’s books, toys and games, DVDs and CDs. The sale will also have some items for adults, including hardcover and paperback fiction and DVDs.
The sale is in the underground garage, rain or shine. The Friends accept cash, checks, credit cards and PayPal for payment.
Questions? Contact the Friends at or call (847) 506-2663.