
Here we go: $127 million transportation construction program announced in Lake County

Fifteen miles of new or widened pavement, 58 miles of resurfacing, eight big intersection improvements, 13 bridge deck repairs and two roundabouts are among the projects in Lake County's $127 million 2024 construction program.

  Lake County’s $127 million construction program includes 58 lane miles of road resurfacing. Paul Valade/, 2016

As in previous years, the program announced Wednesday combines a variety of projects, including bike and pedestrian accommodations and traffic signal upgrades, to preserve, modernize and expand the system overseen by the Lake County Division of Transportation.

  A roundabout opened last fall on Darrell Road at a realigned Case and Neville roads near Lakemoor and Wauconda. Roundabouts will be built where Darrell intersects Fisher and Dowell roads as part of the Lake County’s $127 million transportation program. Brian Hill/, 2023

“We do have another large program this year,” said Shane Schneider, director of transportation/county engineer. “We're excited to get going here and it will be another busy construction season.”

The county plans to invest more than $800 million over the next six years to maintain and modernize roads, bridges and paths, according to Lake County Board Chair Sandy Hart.

The 2024 program involves 19 new projects totaling about $93 million and five carry-overs from last season already underway, accounting for about $34 million. The 2023 program was $88 million with $73.5 million in new projects.

What's among the 20 projects in Lake County's $88 million, 2023 construction program

This year, 49% of the total involves modernization work, 41% is for preservation and 10% for two expansion projects.

The first of those two is rebuilding 1.2 miles of Aptakisic Road from Route 83 in Long Grove to Buffalo Grove Road in Buffalo Grove. The project calls for five-lanes with two travel lanes in each direction and a road median with left turn lanes. Nonmotorized trail gaps along the corridor will be connected.

The second is replacing concrete pavement with asphalt, enhancing storm sewers and filling nonmotorized gaps along 1.9 miles of Arlington Heights road from Lake-Cook Road to Route 83 in Buffalo Grove, Long Grove and unincorporated Lake County.

Another continuing project this season involves installing the second and third roundabouts in the Darrell Road corridor, at Fisher and Dowell roads in the Lakemoor/Wauconda area. Darrell Road connects western Lake and eastern McHenry counties.

Other projects involve reconstructing the Route 59 and Grand Avenue intersection and realigning Washington Street to meet Route 59 south of Grand Avenue in Fox Lake. Left turn lanes, sidewalks and multiuse paths connecting to Grant Community High School will be added.

Lake County's ninth roundabout near Wauconda opens early

Intersection improvements at Wadsworth Avenue at Lewis Avenue near Beach Park and Stearns School road at Route 41 near Gurnee also are in the 2024 program.

Resurfacing is planned for segments of Butterfield, Deep Lake, Fairfield (two projects), Gilmer and Grass Lake roads.

Several nonmotorized improvements, many built into larger projects, also are scheduled this year.

“Our goal is to expand options for residents traveling to work, local businesses, forest preserves, Metra and Pace stations and other destinations without the need for their motor vehicles,” said county board member Jennifer Clark, who chairs the board’s public works and transportation committee.

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