
In times of temptation, remember ‘HALT’

“Lead us not into temptation.”

Mathew 9:13 (NIV)

It’s been known that when we are at our weakest moment, that’s when we are more open to the devil’s temptations.

During these times, it’s good for us to remember the acronym “HALT.”

H. When we are hungry, we are more apt to be tempted to overeat. Have you ever grocery shopped when you’re hungry and your stomach is growling? Every aisle you go down has all kinds of delicious foods you just have to have. You’re even tempted to buy the overpriced candy bar at the checkout counter.

Then you get home and realize, not only have you spent more money than you planned to, but you’ve blown you diet and gained extra pounds.

In the Bible story, Jacob took advantage of his brother Esau when he was hungry. After hunting, Esau came home with a ravenous appetite. Jacob was eating a delicious bowl of stew. Esau had to have it. So he traded his birthright (which was a big privilege) to Jacob for a bowl of stew.

A. Our tempers get the best of us. How many things have you broken or how many relationships have you destroyed in a rage of anger?

I know someone who, when angry, throws his cellphone and breaks it. It perplexes the whole family that his behavior continues, even after he has to go many days without a phone and he has to pay to replace it.

God instructed Moses to speak to the rock. But he was angry at the time, so instead he struck the rock. This action kept him from entering the promised land.

L. Loneliness can get the best of us. It’s hard to be alone. We feel left out. We’d like someone to talk to. So, we compromise our values and head out to places we shouldn’t go looking for some company.

King David was lonely. One hot day, he was on his rooftop and noticed a lovely lady he decided to pursue. The problem was she was married. But David didn’t let that stop him. His pursuit of her led to bigger problems, until he was in over his head. Eventually, he turned to God and repented and felt better.

T. How often do we want to be left alone because we are too worn out to take care of the kids, deal with our spouse or other responsibilities. Or sometimes we are so tired we just want to give up on life.

The Bible prophet Elijah fought a battle and won. But when the woman Jezebel came after him, in his battle fatigue he had nothing left to give. He ran and hid. He wanted to die. Yet, he had just defeated a whole army; the remedy was simple — he needed some rest.

Next time we’re dealing with temptations we need to observe if were hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Doing so, we might be able to outsmart the devil and close the to door to temptation.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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