
Aurora church’s Progress Pride flag vandalized; join HOPE UCC in putting up ribbons to replace the flag

HOPE United Church of Christ’s progress pride flag was vandalized after worship on Sunday, April 7.

The flag symbolizes HOPE UCC’s inclusivity of God’s creation: all races, all gender identities, all sexual orientations. The flag was cut off the sign, shredded, and reattached to the fence at the Aurora church. The vandalism was reported to the Aurora Police Department.

HOPE United Church of Christ and Bethany United Methodist Church, where HOPE UCC meets for worship, are planning a community response at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 14, at the church, 2200 Ridge Ave. Hundreds of ribbons in the progress pride flag colors will be attached to replace the vandalized flag. All are invited and welcome.

HOPE United Church of Christ, founded in 1996, is a multiracial, open and affirming, progressive Christian congregation.

Worship is at 11:30 a.m. Sundays. Learn more about Hope UCC at or

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