Directors needed for ‘8 to the Bar,’ GreenMan Theatre Troupe’s annual 10-minute play festival
GreenMan Theatre Troupe is celebrating its 20th anniversary as Elmhurst’s community theater.
From classics (“Macbeth”) to musicals (“Urinetown”) to dinner theater mysteries (“Bewitched, Bothered, or Be Murdered! ”) to out-of-the-box choices (“Monstrous Regiment”) to popular plays (“Moon Over Buffalo”), GreenMan’s track record is impressive and consistent.
Up to eight directors are needed for “8 to the Bar,” a production of eight 10-minute plays. It is community theater; there is no pay.
Why should you apply to direct?
1. Community theater directors: this is a chance to have fun, with a minimal time commitment. Also, if you decide to apply for a mainstage show at GreenMan, this will serve to familiarize GreenMan with your abilities, and to familiarize you with GreenMan’s creative atmosphere.
2. Aspiring directors: you’ve been involved in theater in a non-directorial area and now you want to give directing a shot? This would be a good way to dip a toe in the water. You do need to have some background in theater, either in acting or production. But we’re looking to give new directors an opportunity.
Director submissions
1. Directors should send a resume or, if you’re new at this, a short letter of intent, giving some of your theater background and saying why you think you’d be a good director. Send these to through April 14, 2024.
2. Playwrights were asked to submit up to two 10-minute plays, using the prompt “Revenge is Sweet … or is it?” 200 entries were read. Sixteen finalists will have been selected as of April 15.
3. By April 23, directors will be sent all 16 plays. You will then have until April 30 to list your choices to direct, in order of preference. They will try to give you your first or second choice, but in the case of a tie, the committee will make the selection and you’ll have something else further down your list.
4. Playwrights who have submitted plays may also submit to direct. But — in the interests of diversity, you will not be selected to direct your own play.
5. Final running order of plays and directors will be announced May 8.
6. Auditions will be held in early June.
7. “8 to the Bar” will be performed on July 12-14 at Chicago Dance Factory in Villa Park. Directors must be available for all audition and performance dates, as well as all production week rehearsals.
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