
Split vote on tax hikes: Round Lake library falls short; Grayslake District 46 approved

Voters approve Deer Park non-home-rule sales tax

A tax hike request by the Round Lake Area Public Library District to build a new facility fell short Tuesday but voters in Grayslake Elementary District 46 approved a measure that will bring a variety of improvements to schools.

Unofficial results show 813 opposed and 700 voted for a ballot question asking whether the library district should be allowed to raise taxes to borrow $36.4 million by issuing bonds to build a new facility nearly twice the size in a new location nearby.

A majority of voters apparently weren’t comfortable with a hefty tax hike. Had it passed the owner of a home valued at $228,200 — the district’s median value — would have paid about $346 more in annual taxes. The current tax bill for that home is about $383.

“The number of yes votes shows how much the library and its services are valued in this area,” said library board President Anne Richmond. “We will definitely try again, either in the fall or next spring.”

Supporters said the library is too small to support a population that has more than tripled since it was built in 1988 and more space is needed for meetings, programs and activities.

In District 46, an array of building and other improvements will be coming as voters Tuesday allowed the district to increase the tax rate to raise about $6 million per year for building upgrades and operational needs.

Unofficial results show 1,677 votes in favor and 1,523 against the measure, described as a tax decrease that won’t go into effect until current debt is paid off in 2025.

Superintendent Lynn Glickman said the district is focused on protecting its high-performing schools and property values.

“This plan will allow (the district) to address high-priority educational, facility, site, security and operating needs,” she said.

When the debt is paid, the current debt rate of 86 cents per $100 assessed valuation will be off the books and replaced with a new rate of 76 cents resulting in a net tax decrease of about $90 per year for the owner of a home valued at $300,000.

Funds will be used to replace roofs and mechanical systems; renovate libraries, improve safety and security; attract, train and retain teachers; and, maintain programming and class sizes.

In Deer Park, voters overwhelming approved allowing the village to continue levying a ½ of 1% non-home-rule sales tax for another four years. Unofficial totals show 518 in favor and 106 against. The village sales tax will remain at 8% until June 30, 2028.

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