
Trying to decipher an inspection report

Q: The people who are buying my home hired a home inspector, and no major problems were found. But the buyers are concerned about the roof because the inspector checked it off as “poor,” even though he found no particular defects. He simply said that it was near the end of its functional life. Why would an inspector make this disclosure when the roof is still functional?

A: Home inspectors walk a thin line between the reporting of significant defects and the avoidance of liability and lawsuits. Some inspectors are overly cautious in this regard, tending to word most disclosures in ways that reduce their liability. Describing a roof as “near the end of its functional life” can be an example of such caution.

On the other hand, a roof that is still in functional condition may show signs of aging that truly indicate that it is nearing the end of its functional life. A home inspector who fails to state this in a report could be liable two or three years later, when the roof finally begins to leak.

If this disclosure has become a showstopper in the sale of your home, a second opinion by a licensed roofing contractor may be needed. However, roofing contractors face the same liability problem as home inspectors. Therefore, you may get another “nearing the end of life” disclosure. In any case, some specific details regarding the actual condition of the roof would be helpful.

Q: Our home is about nine years old and has off-white carpet in most rooms. The edges of the carpets have gradually turned black, and we're wondering if we should clean the forced air heating ducts. My husband says this would be wasted money. What do you suggest?

A: Blackened carpet along the walls could indicate a significant furnace defect, not simply dirty air ducts. It is possible that combustion exhaust is venting into your home, and this could be hazardous. Have the furnace reviewed by a licensed HVAC contractor to ensure that there are no problems with combustion or venting, and particularly that there are no defects in the heat exchanger. In the meantime, do not use the furnace.

Q: You often advise homebuyers and homeowners to hire the most thorough, experienced, and qualified inspectors available. What are the qualifications of the most experienced home inspectors, and how can they be located?

A: The most qualified home inspectors are those with many years of experience and formidable reputations for thoroughness. Interestingly, good reputations among home inspectors are often couched in negative terms by the agents and brokers who should, but sometimes do not, recommend their services. In many instances, the best inspectors are known among real estate professionals as “deal killers” or “deal breakers.” Although some agents avoid such inspectors for their own transactions, they are more inclined to give honest recommendations when their sales commissions are not at stake. Therefore, you might call a few real estate offices and ask who is the most thorough inspector in the area. You might even go so far as to ask, “Who is known as the deal killer?”

Distributed by Action Coast Publishing. Questions to Barry Stone can be emailed to

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