
Presidents must adhere to democratic principles

In a recent edition, a letter writer complained about President Biden not acting as a good Catholic and condemning abortion. I would respond, his religious beliefs can and should not affect his official positions.

This is a democratic country and the majority of voters are in favor of abortion. He is the president of a democracy not a theocracy. Were a president to put his religious beliefs ahead of this principles, he would be violating the basic concept of our democratic foundation.

Where would we be if the laws changed every time a president with different religious tradition was elected? Workless Sundays and Saturdays, meatless Fridays, outlawed pork, women in headscarves, alcohol prohibited and changing with every new president. I don't think we'd survive.

I too am a Catholic and I think abortion is wrong, but as long as a majority of my countrymen think otherwise, it is legal.

Gerald Gagnon

Lake Zurich

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