
Is Carlson ready to move?

Tucker Carlson recently conducted a wide-ranging interview with Vladimir Putin and gave an interview at the World Government Summit in Dubai praising Putin and the Russian way of life in contrast to the decline and crime in U.S. cities and the decadence of U.S. values.

His stated goal was to report the truth about Putin and Russia. Ironically, he and colleagues at Fox were fired and Fox News Corp. was fined over $800 million for spreading lies about the 2020 election — that it has been stolen from Trump when they all knew that Biden had won.

Given his obvious preference for Russia vs. the U.S., it is my hope he moves to Russia sooner than later to enjoy the freedoms the Russian people have. Perhaps he should watch the video of ordinary Russian citizens being arrested for placing flowers to honor the death of Alexei Navalny.

Should he move and dare to critique Putin, we would in all likelihood never hear from him again.

William J. Filstead

Arlington Heights

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