Verner (Vern) Tepe: 2024 candidate for Kane County Board District 22
Party: Democrat
Office Sought: Kane County Board District 22
City: Elgin
Age: 82
Occupation: Real Estate Investor
Previous offices held: Elgin Township Trustee & Kane County Board
Why are you running for this office? Is there a particular issue that motivates you? If so, what?
I’m running for re-election to the Kane County Board – District 22, on the West side of Elgin.
Two years ago when I ran for this office I stated that my main objectives will be to:
• Advocate for renewable energy;
• Improve and enhance resources to address mental health issues
• Expand services for seniors
• Provide clean and affordable water throughout the county.
What experiences and background would you bring to the office and how do these affect the way you would serve on the county board?
My experience in business, technology, real estate, and finance has proven to be a great asset and allowed me to be effective on the board. Managing budgets is a key responsibility of the board and an area where I have a great amount of expertise.
What do you consider the three most-serious issues facing the county and how would you address them?
1-County Finances. For far too long the County Board has been ‘kicking the can down the road’ in regard to properly funding county activities. Of Kane County’s $350 Million Budget, only $60 Million (1/6th) comes from Property Taxes. And for the past 13 years they have failed to enact the allowable Cost-Of-Living property tax increase that, last year, would have cost the typical homeowner $15. Past austerity measures have caused several vital issues to be marginalized.
2-Facilities. We need a new Health Building as well as to expand our Judicial Center.
3-Mental Health. After COVID, the #1 health issue that we face is Mental Health. We must work on providing the resources to deal with this. The Kane County Health Dept has done an excellent job in working with support organizations throughout the county as well as providing a referral system (IRIS) that many of the organizations are using. We need to do everything that we can to see that they have the resources to deal with these issues.
How do you rate the health of the county's financial system? Do you support any changes in the county's fiscal policies?
County Finances are complicated due to the rules & regulations that relate to various funding sources. The key issue here is revenue. In order to provide required services, the county needs to have funds that allow us to plan for the next 5 to 10 years. I support an increase in Sales Taxes and would like to see a referendum on the November ballot.
Why are you the best person to serve in this role?
I have the experience, energy, and ability to deal with the types of issues that come to the County Board. I was elected Vice-Chair by my peers and often work behind the scenes to see that our departments are working together.