Jeffrey M. Jacobson: 2024 candidate for DuPage County coroner
Party: Democrat
Office Sought: DuPage County coroner
City: Downers Grove
Age: 64
Occupation: Attorney
Previous offices held: Appointed: member of Downers Grove Liquor Commission, Assistant Treasurer for the DuPage County Bar Association, past President of DuPage Inn of Court, and Co-President Downers Grove North High School PTO.
Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election for the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you? If so, what?
I am running for election as Coroner because the County needs to provide its residents with a Coroner’s office that respectfully, effectively, and efficiently helps people through some of life’s most difficult moments. The Coroner’s office is a law enforcement agency tasked with the investigation and certification of the causes of death, as well as acting as a conservator of the peace. The current coroner has alienated the deputy sheriffs and has failed to give the deceased the proper burial they deserve. I am running for Coroner because I can and will do better to ensure that the Coroner’s office works as a more cohesive and effective office capable of providing the quality of service DuPage County residents deserve. I have the necessary background, experience, and temperament to manage a team capable of making the DuPage County Coroner’s Office a gold-standard Coroner’s office in the state of Illinois.
If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of any important initiatives you've led. If you are a challenger, what would you bring to the job and what would your priority be?
Describe your position regarding the allocation of resources in the coroner's office. Are personnel allocated as they should be? Are there capital expense or other budgetary items that the office must address, and, if so, how do you propose to address them?
The Coroner is a conservator of the peace. Equal to the Sheriff. The personnel are not being treated with respect. The union members have been complaining concerning the office which leads to unhappy workers. I plan to work with the union to make sure that the employees are given the tools, environment, and fair wages.
The role of the Coroner cannot be carried out by one person. The ability of the Coroner to provide the quality of service the County deserves depends upon the entire staff of the office having the proper resources, tools, and work environment to carry out their roles successfully. Current employees of the Coroner’s office have not been given the resources needed to carry out their roles effectively. I have extensive experience in leadership roles and managing teams in a variety of circumstances. I plan to work closely with the union to ensure that I fully understand what my employees will need to perform their jobs effectively.
Describe your position on transparency and public service in the coroner's office and the ease of access to records by the public. If you believe improvements are needed, what are they and how would you go about achieving them?
The Coroner’s office suffers from its employees not having the proper tools resulting in poor communication with the County Board. These failures slow down the office’s ability to conduct its essential functions, and by extension, communicate those functions to the public. The Coroner must have an open, honest, and effective relationship with his employees in order for the office to most effectively perform its duties and produce the information available for public scrutiny. Also, the Coroner’s office must be open and transparent with all branches of government to ensure that the needs of the Coroner’s office are properly communicated. Creating these clear internal lines of communication allows the Coroner’s office to effectively and efficiently carry out its duty to be transparent with the public. I will ensure that the Coroner’s Portal has up to date information of the office, the financial information related to the office..
What makes you the best candidate to represent your party to seek this position?
I have the legal and administrative expertise necessary to manage a law enforcement office capable of carrying out comprehensive investigations. I have over 30 years of legal experience in both Federal and State courts. I have handled prosecution, defense, and Civil and Criminal cases. I have administered organizations for my 30 plus years of being a lawyer. My experience has also given me the proper temperament and sensitivity needed to manage the office. My roles have led me to work with people from all walks of life, often at some of their most difficult and sensitive moments. I know the type of respect and care people deserve in these moments, and I will provide the Coroner’s office with the level of care that every resident of this county deserves.