Kids adopt ‘Bible buddies’ each week in Lent at Wheaton’s Gary UMC
Throughout Lent, Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton will focus on the spiritual habit of spending time with God by encouraging kids and families to spend some extra time reading the Bible.
With the Bible Buddy Reading Plan, kids will adopt a stuffed animal buddy for the week. Their buddy will tag along as they read, learn, journal and grow by spending time in the Bible together.
This reading plan comes with weekly reading suggestions and a journal with prompts to help kids hear and remember what God is saying to them through scripture. Then, the next Sunday, kids can return their buddy and adopt a new one.
The church at 224 N. Main St. offers 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday worship in the sanctuary. The 9 a.m. worship is complete with Kids’ Church and nursery care, plus livestreaming and recorded worship at The 11 a.m. worship has a more casual feel featuring church musicians. At 10 a.m., you can enjoy a coffee hour called “Special Blend” and Sunday school for all ages. With deep roots in the community since 1853, Gary Church has vibrant music, kids, youth and adult ministries, plus opportunities for local, national and global missions. For more information, go to or contact the church office at