
The College Bound Student Achievement Motivation Program: Graduating in four years employed

Time is the enemy- parents need to become a career, college and life skills mentor and establish a Triangle Mentoring Team to help their children graduate from college with AA in two years and bachelors in four years positioning, preparing and placing themselves on the right career pathway and staying on the right career pathway until retirement.

Two thirds of college students change their major two or three times graduating in six or seven years. Seventy-five percent of college graduates enter career fields unrelated to major.

Dr. Mike Mulligan, CEO of Mulligan Career Consulting LLC, who has mentored over 2,500 executives, managers, professionals and college graduates and former Assistant Dean of Admissions at University of Georgia and Midwest regional director of American College Testing Program, will be giving an evening program for college bound students and their parents at Armands restaurant in Arlington Heights, from 5:30 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 14.

Dr. Mulligan will present, “The Five Goal College Plan” and “Your Route Five Career Pathway Plan,” two planning models that parents and students can use to plan and manage a successful career journey.

For information and to learn more, call (847) 533-5488 or email

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