
Paper’s report on Biden was disservice

Last week, the special counsel investigating President Biden for mishandling classified documents issued his report. He noted multiple abuses committed by Mr Biden but, for a variety of reasons, decided not to prosecute him. One of those reasons was that “Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview with him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

That is quite an alarming statement. It caught the attention of most commentators on that evening's news channels, both pro-Biden and anti-Biden. Of course, the import of that comment and in the elaboration in the report is that the president of the United States cannot remember important events in his life including the dates he served as vice president and the date of his son's death. In fact, his competence to serve as president is now in question.

Afterward, the Daily Herald ran two AP stories about the report. While news that the president may be mentally incompetent would seem to demand front page treatment your news judgement put them on Page 2.

One of the stories cited the multiple abuse of the classified documents by Mr. Biden with no mention of his memory problems. How can that be an unbiased story when the lead is not even mentioned let alone buried? The other story deals with his horrible memory problems but doesn't mention that they are one of the reasons the special counsel cited in choosing not to prosecute.

The horrifying quote about him being an "elderly man with a poor memory" wasn't even used.

Any reader getting their news from the Daily Herald would be left in the dark about why this president was able to misuse classified documents and not be prosecuted. These readers would also not have sufficient information to begin to judge whether Mr. Biden is competent to remain in office.

By running these two AP stories without editing them, you have done your readers another disservice. Your protests about focusing on local news does not explain your willingness to run biased copy on national stories.

Thomas Gavin


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