Geneva schools take part in Illinois 5Essentials Survey
A student survey will be administered at all schools in Geneva Unit District 304 in fourth to 12th grade called the Illinois 5Essentials Survey.
This survey is based on 20-plus years of research at the University of Chicago. It asks fourth- to 12th-grade students about their typical experiences in school, providing administrators with helpful information for school improvement plans.
The survey provides an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to have a voice in improving their schools.
From Feb. 20 through March 29, students, parents and teachers will be invited to participate in a 30-minute research-based survey to help identify strengths and weaknesses in their school’s learning environment. The parent survey supplement also will be administered during the same survey window. These surveys will serve as an opportunity for schools to reflect on progress since the last statewide implementation.
Student participants will need to log in using their student ID and birth date in order to complete the survey. Students’ identities will be completely confidential. Teachers or administrators will never see individual responses to survey questions and will only receive aggregated information, such as the total percentage of students who agree homework assignments help them learn the course material.
Parents are encouraged to take the survey at
Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Act. 20 U.S.C. Section 1232(c) (1) (A), parents have the right to review a copy of the questions asked of student(s). Survey questions can be found on the Illinois 5Essentials Support Center at
Parents who do not want their child to participate should complete the student survey opt-out form below, print it and ask their child to return it to their teacher no later than Monday, Feb. 12 at
Principals and superintendents will receive their 5Essentials Reports in May. Survey results also will be reported publicly on the UChicago Impact Reporting website in June and on the State School Report Card website in the fall.
An optional parent survey supplement is again available to all schools as a supplement to the 5Essentials Survey for teachers and students — results from the parent survey supplement will be included only in the individual school 5Essential Reports.
On behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education, UChicago Impact is providing Illinois 5Essentials to schools statewide. Teachers, students, and parents may complete the Illinois 5Essentials Survey online. For more information, visit