Prospect Heights Park District to hold open house for preschool program Feb. 13
The Prospect Heights Park District will hold an open house of its preschool environment from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Feb. 13 at the Gary Morava Recreation Center, 110 W. Camp McDonald Road in Prospect Heights.
The Creative Kids Preschool program begins Sept. 3 and continues through mid-May 2025.
At the open house, families can meet the teachers and review the curriculum.
The program provides an age-appropriate curriculum to develop a child’s love of learning. Children participate in a variety of activities everyday including art, math, science, story time and group learning.
To be eligible, children must be 3 years by Sept. 1 for the 3-year-old program, or 4 years by Sept. 1 for the 4-year-old program. All children must be toilet trained to participate. To register, a one-month deposit and birth certificate are required.
For details or questions, call (847) 394-2848 or visit