
The lesson behind busing migrants

I write in response to your Jan. 10 “Where else to turn” editorial. You call Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s transport of people who have illegally breached the Texas portion of our southern border from there to large Democratic cities in the North “disturbing and highly inappropriate.” I call it a clever way of demonstrating that a grossly mismanaged U.S. immigration system is a national problem and needs a national solution. Expecting Texas and other border states to somehow manage the results of the Biden Administration’s open borders philosophy is dead wrong; and if Gov. Abbott had not taken this action, you would not now be writing about how to best deal with the migrant influx.

Legal residents across the country are now asking why they should assume the costs and risks of bringing these migrants into their communities? Many ask why these trespassers are being furnished with all kinds of free goods and services when so many legal residents are left to fend for themselves? With illegal immigrants not thoroughly vetted before being sent or allowed to go anywhere in the U.S, legal residents ask why their government is risking that they be confronted with potential convicted felons, fentanyl smugglers, human traffickers, disease carriers or terrorists?

Gov. Abbott’s action has also illustrated that many of the virtue-signaling mayors and governors who offered sanctuary to illegal immigrants in their jurisdictions are hypocrites. When bus and plane loads of such immigrants began to arrive and accept their offers of sanctuary, the leaders wanted it halted and begged for others to pay for the party to which they invited the now unwelcome visitors.

As the child of an immigrant, I support legal immigration and believe that it is important to our country’s future. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and others responsible for the current immigration mess should be fired.

Charles F. Falk


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