Chicago A Cappella to host holiday concerts, including a one-night only 'Music for Hanukkah'
Maximize your merriment this holiday season with songs you know and love, sung by Chicago A Cappella. The singers, led by music director Benjamin Rivera, will bring their unique style and skill to updated takes on the classics.
One night only
Back by popular demand, and to mark the release of their new recording on Cedille Records, "Miracle of Miracles: Music for Hanukkah, Chicago A Cappella celebrates the first night of Hanukkah with a reprise of this much-loved concert from last season, digging deeper than the "Dreidel Song" to unveil the richer meaning of the festival.
The concert on the first night of Hanukkah will be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, at Temple Har Zion, 1040 N. Harlem Ave. in River Forest. Tickets are $38 for general seating, $48 for preferred seating, or $50 for preferred seating and a "Hanukkah" CD bundle. For tickets, go to
Enjoy latkes and a light Hanukkah meal before the concert for $10. Seatings will be 5:30 or 6:15 p.m. For reservations, visit or call (708) 366-9000.
Holidays a cappella
Starting Dec. 8, Chicago A Cappella will host a series of four "Holidays a cappella" concerts at locations in Chicago and the suburbs. The concerts are recommended for ages 8 or older.
The first concert will be at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8, in Buchanan Chapel at Fourth Presbyterian Church, 115 E. Delaware Place in Chicago.
It will be followed at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, at Pilgrim Congregational Church, 460 Lake St. in Oak Park.
The next weekend, concerts will be at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, at Community United Methodist, Naperville; and 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, at Nichols Concert Hall at the Music Institute of Chicago, 1490 Chicago Ave. in Evanston.
Tickets are $38 for general seating or $48 for preferred seating. Doors open 45 minutes before the concerts.
On-demand full concert replays will be offered the week of Dec. 18 for $38.
For tickets, visit
The program includes the traditional arrangements of songs like "Deck the Hall," "The First Noel," "Coventry Carol," "Poor Little Jesus," "I Saw Three Ships," "Christmas Spiritual Medley," "Mary Had a Baby," and "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
The concerts also will feature the traditional Hebrew folk song "Al Hanisim" and the children's Hanukkah song, "Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl (I Am a Little Dreydl)."
Other holiday songs on the program include: "We Three Kings," "Joy to the World," "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Carol of the Bells," "Gabriel's Message," "O Come, All Ye Faithful," "Silent Night, and "The Holly and the Ivy," a Gloucestershire folk carol.