
St. Thomas of Villanova Church to host Community Outreach and Caroling

On the evening of Saturday, Dec. 16, St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic Church in Palatine, is extending a heartfelt invitation to the community to join in a special Community Christmas Caroling event. Following the 5 p.m. Mass, interested volunteers will gather for some food, refreshments and instructions.

The caroling party will continue outdoors from 7 until 8 p.m., walking the neighborhood and spreading the Christmas message of joy and hope to the community. For information, call (847) 358-6999.

Pastor, Rev. Kris Janczak, expressed that this event is so much more than just singing carols.

"We live in a challenging time. Every day we witness many terrible things that happen in our world and in our communities. All this makes us sad and reminds us how important it is to pray for peace and then to spread that peace to others through this small token of happiness and love to warm the hearts to those who are lonely and in need of Christmas joy, Said Rev. Janczak.

Associate Pastor, Rev. Chris Kulig, wants to bring the spirit out beyond the four walls of the physical church and remind us that we must all help one another to feel the needed comfort.

"We will try to come to those who can't feel the spirit of joy and provide some cheer in their hearts. We will let the music make us feel connected and make us feel that everyone can truly feel the joy," said Rev. Kulig.

People interested in joining, can contact Mary Pietro, music director at St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic Church,

1201 E Anderson Drive, Palatine, at (847) 358-6999 or

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