
St. Charles Public Library showcases Wayne artist Gene McCormick

During the months of November and December, the St. Charles Public Library is hosting an exhibit by Wayne resident Gene McCormick of paintings using acrylics on canvas.

According to McCormick, "They are neo-expressionistic representational paintings of much color, not photographic, and if brushstrokes are visible or a bit of canvas shows through, that is okay as my impatient eyes and unruly hand try not to let knowledge or technique ruin the rush of a feeling."

McCormick has had more than 20 one-person art exhibitions during the past 10 years and has also exhibited at group shows at the Bloomingdale Park District Museum, Norris Cultural Arts Center, and numerous additional Chicago-area venues.

He has been the illustrator for the online poetry journal, "Misfit Magazine," since its inception in 2014 and has done more than 50 cover illustrations for small press books.

Many of his designs have been used for couture sportswear produced by a charitable organization. He also collaborates with Ian Dengler, Portland, Oregon, on an ongoing series of faux postage stamp illustrations.

In addition to visual art, McCormick has published 28 books, a mix of fiction, nonfiction, art and poetry. He lives in Wayne, Illinois, with his wife and dog and far too many paintings.

Since 1979, the works of local artists have been on display at the St. Charles Public Library through its Community Artist program.

Library hours are: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. The St. Charles Public Library is located at One S. Sixth Ave. in St. Charles. For information, call (630) 584-0076 or visit

Paintings by Wayne resident Gene McCormick are on display in the community artist gallery at St. Charles Public Library until the end of the year. Courtesy of St. Charles Public Library
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