
Get your tickets for Metra's holiday trains

It's a feat only Santa Claus could pull off.

In 2022, Metra offered a holiday train on just one route - the Metra Electric Line.

This year, Santa's commuting on five train lines in the same season. They include the BNSF, Metra Electric, Milwaukee District West, Rock Island and Union Pacific Northwest.

Specially decorated trains featuring Santa, Mrs. Claus and other North Pole favorites will run between Dec. 2 and 16. Tickets are $5 each and must be purchased in advance.

For information about schedules and to purchase tickets, go to The Holiday Train typically sells out quickly, so customers are encouraged to buy seats soon.

"This is our way to bring the spirit of the holidays and the spirit of My Metra to our riders," Metra Executive Director Jim Derwinski said in a statement.

"Our trains are already safe, reliable, and comfortable, but they can be fun, too. We encourage everyone to climb on board and make Metra part of their holiday tradition."

Downtown stations will be decorated for kids and Millennium Station will feature a "North Pole winter wonderland," organizers said.

Holiday trains will run on the following dates: Dec. 2 - BNSF, Metra Electric and Milwaukee District West lines; Dec. 9 - Rock Island and UP Northwest lines; and Dec. 16 - the Metra Electric Line.

Participants can ride the holiday trains back to their original station or stay downtown and use their tickets to return on any train that day, officials said.

Specially decorated trains featuring Santa, Mrs. Claus and other North Pole favorites will run between Dec. 2 and 16. Courtesy of Metra
Tickets go on sale Wednesday for Metra's holiday train. Courtesy of Metra
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