
Ela Peace Pole to be dedicated on Day of Peace Sept. 21

On the International Day of Peace Sept. 21, the Ela Peace Pole will be dedicated and gifted to Ela Township.

The dedication will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21, at the Ela Historical Society, 95 E. Main St. in Lake Zurich.

The peace pole is the tallest peace pole in Illinois. It contains the word for "peace" in each of the 60 languages spoken in Ela Township.

The Ela Peace Project initiated the project to foster peace and celebrate the diversity of Ela Township.

The peace pole is stainless steel and each word for peace is cut through the surface of the pole. At night the words for peace are illuminated from within - a beacon for peace.

The peace pole was designed by Pamela Self of Pamela Self Landscape Architecture, Ltd. No tax dollars were used to fund the peace pole.

Those who attend the dedication will receive a free pickles on a stick from NorthStar Pickle Company and the Portable Pickle Dude as well as peace flags (while supplies last).

Attendees will also be able to put their messages for peace in a time capsule that will be opened on the International Day of Peace in 2073.

For details on the Ela Peace Project, visit

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