
Letter: Fund schools at state level, not local

There have been a few letters recently on the subject of property taxes being assessed against senior citizens and retirees.

Some letters have said that such people should not have to contribute so much toward the tax levy that supports public schools because they are far removed from having children that will use the schools. Other letters have responded that everyone benefits from having a well-educated population and the positive impact that has on property values.

The local property tax levies in the state of Illinois are very heavy due to the fact that public schools are mostly funded via those local property taxes rather than some other way. I am a little surprised that I have not become aware of any spokespeople for BLM commenting about this because it sure seems to me to have an aspect of systemic racism to it.

I think it would allow for much more equal opportunity of education throughout the state if the schools were funded much more at the statewide level and much less so at the local level. Increasing the state income tax rate to offset substantially decreased property tax levies throughout the state could help accomplish the desired result.

It would have the added benefit of addressing the draconian impact of high property taxes on senior citizens.

John Captain


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