Buffalo Grove park renamed after longtime park board member Reiner
Naming parks after long-serving commissioners and staff members is a time-honored tradition in the Buffalo Grove Park District.
Among those honored have been the late former Commissioner Rick Drazner and longtime park district Executive Director Mike Rylko.
The latest to have his name added to this illustrious group is Commissioner Larry Reiner.
Green Lake Park, 1101 Green Knolls Drive, formally was dedicated Friday as Reiner Park, with a ceremony that included kite flying.
The honors won't end there, as Reiner will be feted by his fellow commissioners Monday when they meet at 6 p.m. at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive.
Reiner has served on the park board since 1987, making him the longest-serving commissioner in the history of the park district.
He's also been a park district administrator, serving as executive director of the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association and the Lombard-based Butterfield Park District.
He received the Professional Award from the Illinois Association of Park Districts in 2018, which is presented to a park, recreation, forest preserve or conservation professional who has worked to improve the quality of life for state residents.
"Honestly, it's difficult to envision our future without the benefit of his knowledge, wisdom, guidance and leadership," Buffalo Grove Park District Executive Director Ryan Risinger said.
Reiner credited park district staff and his fellow commissioners for some of the accomplishments during his tenure, including the development of a state-of-the-art fitness center and providing services for special needs children and adults.
He also noted the district's work to create community-based services for disabled veterans.
"I am particularly proud of our district's commitment to military veterans, active-duty servicemen and women, as well as all of our first responders," Reiner said.