
Mundelein creates entertainment tax for ticket sales

Responding to a local cannabis dispensary's plan to hold a concert or series of performances, the Mundelein village board on Monday created a 5% entertainment tax that will be added onto ticket prices.

Rise, 1325 Armour Blvd., has proposed holding concerts in the parking lot across the street from the shop. Possible dates and performers haven't been revealed.

The tax is designed to help the village recoup associated public safety costs, Village Manager Erich Guenther has said.

It also will be applied to ticket sales for other activities that require admission fees and are in venues that can accommodate more than 200 audience members, officials said. Art exhibitions, sporting events, movie showings and theater performances are a few examples.

Ticket sales benefiting government agencies and nonprofit groups will be exempt.

The board approved the tax without discussion or objection. Trustees publicly debated the merits of such a tax earlier this month.

In a related move, the board agreed to create a type of liquor license that would allow Rise to sell alcoholic beverages at a concert if the business goes ahead with that plan. The board did not, however, award Rise such a license, nor did Rise formally request one. That could happen down the road.

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