
Letter: Do the right thing on Medicaid allowance

I was amazed, stunned, then horrified and appalled after reading the Daily Herald's article citing Medicaids personal needs allowance for Illinois residents in nursing homes. As a lifetime resident of Illinois, and a senior, I was saddened to read that our state, along with Alabama, North Carolina and South Carolina only provides $30 per month for personal needs that most of us take for granted. The residents who have no close-by relatives to supplement suffer the most.

Why has our liberal leaning state dragged its feet on increasing this allowance? What will it take for our state legislators to do the right thing and help those who can't help themselves, by raising this rate to, at least, $50. Federal rules set the minimum, but states are free to raise it up to a maximum of $200 (according to the article).

It's time for Illinois to join other enlightened states who have helped their seniors by raising this rate, allowing our nursing home residents some dignity as they age.

Judy Miller


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