
Letter: Caring, experienced candidate for council

I am a Wheaton resident of 38 years and I encourage you to join me in supporting Frank Hudetz for Wheaton City Councilman At-Large. Frank will bring a wealth of valuable experience to the council table and is deserving of your consideration.

Frank grew up in DuPage County and has lived in Wheaton for nearly 15 years. He served honorably in Naval intelligence for six years during the Vietnam War. Frank is a businessman who, as president and CEO of a local family owned company, grew multinational sales to $100 million with 600 employees. He served as board chair of the East-West Corporate Corridor Association and on the board of directors for Ball Horticultural Company. He understands board governance; he has in-depth fiscal management experience and negotiating skills.

Frank has served our community as a member and chair of the DuPage Foundation Board. He currently serves on the City of Wheaton Housing Commission.

Frank will be an effective advocate for all Wheaton citizens with a special voice for seniors, veterans and special needs persons. He is interested in making Wheaton more accessible to those with disabilities and in developing more affordable housing options in our city. Frank would like to rethink economic development in Wheaton and develop a plan to address vacant store fronts and maximize land use for future development.

Frank has earned the endorsement of The Daily Herald, two previous Wheaton mayors - Gwen Henry and Michael Gresk - and recently retired CEO of DuPage Foundation, David McGowan.

I first met Frank about a year ago and have come to know him as a thoughtful listener, effective communicator, someone who cares greatly for our community and wants to contribute his extensive practical knowledge and experience to the Wheaton City Council. Please visit his website at

Sue Cahalan


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