Letter: Village staff's expertise recognized
What makes a great village is having a great team in place working together in the best interests of our residents. In Bensenville, we are proud to have some of the most qualified professionals and experts handling the work that matters the most to our residents, even when they aren't aware of it.
Over the past month, Bensenville public work's leaders Lisa Lucht, pretreatment coordinator; Vince Smith, operations superintendent; and Mike Bernanek, engineering tech, were all tapped to speak at various industry panels across Illinois to discuss their work, offer new insights and techniques, and help other professionals learn from what we are doing in Bensenville. They were sought out for their expertise because Bensenville is a village that works.
By working together with local businesses, Lisa plays a key role in ensuring that they are being environmentally friendly and guaranteeing our wastewater is treated to exceed environmental standards. Similar to Lisa, Vince and Mike's work using proper snow and ice removal techniques to ensure that Bensenville is able to keep the chloride level within our waterways to a minimum. Like all of our village employees, Lisa, Vince and Mike get up each day with one goal in mind - serving our community.
We are extremely proud to see that our team is being recognized and brought into the conversations that matter. These three are just an example of the municipal leaders and employees that are elevating Bensenville. We take note of all the work that our incredible team does every day to maintain our community and make our residents happy and safe, and we are thrilled to see others are as well.
Frank DeSimone, Village President