Steven Wolsztyniak: 2023 candidate for Lombard park board
Town: Lombard
Age on Election Day: 41
Occupation: Landscape Design Professional
Employer: Midwest Nursery
Previous offices held: None
Q: Why are you running for this office, whether for reelection or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what is it?
A: I feel we all have a duty to serve. My family participates in the programs and services offered by the district. I would like to fulfill my obligation to help make our community the best it can be. I have no "hidden agenda for running."
Q: How well is your district rebounding from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic? What new measures should be taken to strengthen programming or better meet the needs of the community?
A: The district did a tremendous job working through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff had to work even harder just to be able to provide any type of service and programs under the very strict guidelines enacted by the State of IL. Kudos to them for being able to come up with solutions to meet those strict guidelines and yet still providing limited programs and services. We seem to be all passed that and thriving again close to pre-pandemic.
Q: How would you describe the state of the district's finances? What challenges do you see on the horizon, and how do you propose to meet them?
A: The district is a perennial winner of the GOFA award for financial reporting requirements that meet industry excellence. Like many other districts, staffing continues to be a challenge as it is for many fields. The rising costs of minimum wage will continue to challenge the budget requirements to meet staffing needs. I look forward to working with staff through the budget process on how to meet those needs.
Q: Describe your experience working in a group setting to determine policy. What is your style in such a setting to reach agreement? Explain how you think that will be effective in producing effective actions and decisions of your park board.
A: I have been fortunate to have been a volunteer the last five years with the Lombard Indian Princesses. I have also been fortunate to have spent the last two years as a volunteer on the Public Works Committee with the Village of Lombard. I understand effective meeting procedure and the most effective ways of determining consensus.
Q: What makes you the best candidate for the job?
A: The experience with the Indian Princess organization has been great. I have been able to work with my daughters to plan, create and experience great memories. We have made great relationships with the other families involved. The experience with the Public Works Committee with the Village of Lombard has provided me with the incite into local government. I hope to use this experience to assist in ensuring that The Lombard Park District continues to make strides on an upward trajectory for many years to come.