Eileen Phipps: 2023 candidate for Wayne Village President
Town: Wayne
Age on Election Day: 67
Occupation: President
Employer: Plastic Specialties, Inc.
Previous offices held: Village President since 1995; Village of Wayne Trustee
Q: What is the most serious issue your community will face in coming years and how should leaders respond to it?
A: Replacement of our village hall and police department. We are in the process of working with professionals to determine space, requirements, location, etc. Public participation is essential so a series of town hall meetings will be held to gather input.
Q: How would you describe the state of your community's finances?
A: We are in very good shape financially. We were named the Most Frugal Town in DuPage County in 2018. We take the responsibility for our taxpayers funding very seriously and constantly strive to do more with less and to live within our means.
Q: What should be the three top priorities for spending in your community during the next four years?
A: New village hall and police station, maintaining 24/7 police coverage and maintaining the public roadways in our village.
Q: Are there areas of spending that need to be curtailed? If so, what are they?
A: No, I believe we are very thorough in our spending decisions which enables us to meet our residents needs while spending conservatively.
Q: What do you see as the most important infrastructure project you must address? Why and how should it be paid for? Conversely, during these uncertain economic times, what project(s) can be put on the back burner?
A: Village hall and police department facility. We currently have state grant funding that will certainly contribute quite a bit toward funding the improvements. Much planning and work along with resident input has to continue and funding will be the key for timing of the project.
Q: Describe your experience working in a group setting to determine policy. What is your style in such a setting to reach agreement and manage local government? Explain how you think that will be effective in producing effective actions and decisions with your village board or citycouncil.
A: The village is fortunate to have very dedicated and talented trustees on our board. I have always known the value of listening and encouraging the men and women that serve with me to voice their opinions and utilize their expertise to reach consensus on issues.
I do not micromanage and I believe this approach along with listening to the input from our board members and the public has produced the best results for the village.
Q: What makes you the best candidate for the job?
A: Experienced, proven leadership with results that have protected the historic character of Wayne. I have worked to forge close, working relationships with my fellow mayors, county board representatives and our federal and state representatives. These relationships bring added value to our community and provided support as well as funding opportunities to enable projects we could not afford on our own.
Q: What's one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?
A: To continue to foster the outstanding spirit of giving back that so many in our community display. Wayne prides itself on the willingness of so many of our residents to volunteer their time and talents to come together for the good of the community and to get things done.