
Letter: We have long, safe history of drag entertainment

If being entertained by drag shows is corrupting and enticing, we are all in danger of changing our genders. That opportunity has long been before us. Starting with Shakespeare, As You Like It, 1599, then Charlie's Aunt, 1892, to our present day television shows and movies, we seem to have survived the enticement of cross-dressing and sex reassignment.

Television provided this entertainment with Sid Caesar, Milton Berle. Flip Wilson modeled Geraldine, Jamie Farr, Klinger in MASH. Films offered us Tyler Perry as Madea in numerous films, Eddie Murphy in Nutty Professor, Jamie Foxx as Wanda, Arsenio Hall in Coming to America, Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire, Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie, Some Like It Hot, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon, Julie Andrews in Victor-Victoria. SNL gave us Melissa McCarty as Sean Spicer, and Kate McKinnon as Sen. Jeff Sessions.

Of course, parents/guardians have the right to safeguard their children. if these presentations present concern to those with parental responsibilities then act as your conscience dictates. But know that drag entertainment has a long tradition and isn't going to disappear even with the most repressive laws. It might be safer to accompany a child to the performance and determine if the presentation is dangerous.

Julie Sass

Elk Grove Village

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