
Superfoods are good for you, but are they really 'super'?

"Superfood" has become a marketing buzzword that companies use to sell more of their products and sometimes even charge more.

The first superfood - though it wasn't called that - was the banana. It was promoted, not by researchers, but by the United Fruit Co. in the early 20th century, according to Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. They were importing a lot of bananas and had to sell them, so they published informative brochures about the virtues of the banana.

Ever since, industry-sponsored research has looked for "super" qualities in chocolate, red wine, blueberries, macadamias, raisins and a host of other foods.

Now, are some of those good for you? They're plant-based, and it's taken as gospel now that people who eat a plant-based or plant-forward diet are less obese and are at less of a risk of cancer and heart disease. But their "super" qualities are open to debate.

Marion Nestle, nutritionist and public health advocate, wrote in her 2018 book, "The Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat":

"All these foods are highly nutritious and well worth eating for their taste and texture - as well as for their health benefits. Is one fruit, vegetable or nut better for you than another? The answer, as I keep saying, depends on everything else you eat or do. … Variety in food intake and calorie balance are fundamental principles of healthful diets."

That said, some foods, calorie for calorie, pack a big nutritional punch. Consider adding some of these to your daily regimen.

1. Dark leafy greens

Dark-colored leafy greens - not iceberg lettuce, but spinach, kale, Swiss chard and their cousins - carry very few calories but a lot of nutritional upside. They are rich in carotenoids, which have been shown to protect the eyes. The vitamins A and C in spinach may help protect the heart. Make these greens the basis of your salads, or you can even sauté them in a smidgen of olive oil to fill an omelet. And that brings us to …

2. Eggs

Eggs got a bad rap in the 1960s and '70s when doctors surmised that their high cholesterol content contributed to artery-clogging cholesterol in a person's body. That's been disproved, and now they're considered a nutrient-dense source of protein. Eggs contain vitamins B, E and D, and they're low in saturated fat. They also contain nutrients that are beneficial for your eyes and bones.

Eating eggs to excess can still be harmful, particularly in people with cardiovascular disease. But for most of us, an egg a day - including the yolk - is a good choice.

3. Broccoli

If your mother told you to eat your broccoli, she knew what she was talking about. Broccoli and its cruciferous cousins (cabbage, Brussels sprouts) provide fiber and micronutrients and may reduce the risk of cancer because of their phytochemicals, according to UCLA Health.

4. Salmon

Do you take fish oil? Why not try the real thing, in the form of salmon, trout or tuna? These are an excellent source of protein, which we need as we age to maintain muscle mass. And those omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Broiled, baked or grilled fish - served with a side of broccoli - is a nutritional win-win.

5. Blueberries

OK, yes, blueberries have many redeeming qualities; they're versatile, have antioxidants and are delicious. But do they reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease or delay cognitive decline? As Marion Nestle wrote: "This is an impressive range of health benefits for a tiny fruit consumed in small amounts."

Ringo Starr - now 82 - attributes his good health to his daily intake of broccoli and blueberries. Or maybe he just has good genes.

6. Nuts

Vitamin E is helpful as we age, according to the National Institutes of Health, because it boosts the immune system and keeps blood vessels from narrowing. One of the best sources of vitamin E is almonds, but other nuts and seeds, such as sunflower, also contain significant amounts. Eat sparingly, though - they're high in calories.

7. Avocados

Randomized, controlled studies have found that the fats, antioxidants and other nutrients in avocados reduce LDL cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease, give skin more elasticity and improve the bacterial environment in the gut, among other benefits. A serving is less than you'd expect, though: about a third of a medium avocado.

Many foods can contribute to a healthy diet. Rather than focusing on those marketed as "superfoods," focus on filling your plate with super nutritious choices.

• Teri Dreher is a board-certified patient advocate. A critical care nurse for 30+ years, she is founder of NShore Patient Advocates ( Her new book, "How to Be a Healthcare Advocate for Yourself & Your Loved Ones," is now available on Amazon. She is offering a free phone consultation to Daily Herald readers; call her at (847) 612-6684.

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